{Kindly read about: "the booster application"
Application of NOP:
Sprayer: Should ideally be a motorized model with a 5 to
6 gallon, (20 to 25 liter) tank backpack sprayer with a suction type pump,
adjustable constant flow and a boom wand that can spray 1/2 the width of
standard tunnel poultry sheds. The nozzles should provide a flow that will
permit to spray the required amount at a brisk walk over the entire surface
area. At least the sprayer must be able to provide a constant pressure and flow.
For further information about available sprayers please contact our office, EST
It is important to cover the entire surface area of the
fresh bedding, and, if any bedding was not covered an additional amount should
be used to cover the unsprayed area. Further if the particular shed management
procedures includes adding fresh bedding during the growth cycle the farmer
should be provided with additional NOP to pre-spray this bedding material before
spreading. Please note that the poultry are much more comfortable on sprayed
bedding and may congest onto it from untreated areas.
important is always to remember and state that NOP is not: a medicine, a
disinfectant, an insecticide, or a treatment nor is it applied directly onto the
poultry. NOP is a litter treatment product
By improving the environment for the working personnel
and the poultry we reduce, the ever present, ammonia, odor and other pollution
that harms, overloads and suppresses the flock's immunity system that leaving
them vulnerable and susceptible to other infections and diseases. NOP indirectly
increases the poultry's resistance to other diseases and allows them to develop
with all the advantages as enumerated in our NOP information. The result is that
the monetary benefits by far outweigh the cost of applying NOP.
Conditions differ from one country to country and county
whilst generally raising methods and equipment are increasingly becoming
How to
use ![]()
to use? For Chickens: 1.Run
the usual disinfecting and cleanup after a growing cycle and spread
clean bedding. 2.Put
the liquid as is in the sprayer with a fine nozzle one Liter of NOP for
each 125 sm. 3.Close
windows and ventilation, adjust the nozzle to very fine and spray entire
surface from 5ocm above the ground. 4. Introduce the newly-hatched chickens. If you find any parts of the bedding wet for some reason or another, replace it with newly sprayed bedding.
*The area is sprayed once at the beginning of the cycle immediately before putting the chichens in the barn:
The starting
point is a clean poultry shed, thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, ready
to receive the fresh wood shavings as spraying No-Odor Poultry does not
replace regular poultry shed procedures, fine spray, with a portable hand or engine-driven
or engine sprayer, with adjustable nozzle, adjusted to fine drops. Spray from a distance of 50
cm, the specified liters of NOP. Adjust the amount
according to the total surface area to be sprayed on the fresh bedding
material such as wood shavings or on the remaining dry and suitable
litter at the rate of one liter
This is to be repeated for every new growth cycle. Consecutive
growth cycles will gradually improve until most of the residual ammonia
has been eliminated. if, under extreme conditions, there is a
recurrence of odor during a growth cycle, a booster application of half
the prescribed amount onto the manure by driving most of the poultry
away from the immediate areas to be sprayed. We must always bear in mind
Caution: Keep out of reach of children! May cause eye irritation in concentrated form. First Aid: In case of contact flush with water for at least 15 minutes. If irritation persits get medical attention. |
Area & NOP quantity timetable*
For...Square meters | liters you need | For ... Square meters | Liters you need | |
2000 | 16.00 | 1000 | 8.00 | |
1900 | 15.20 | 900 | 7.20 | |
1800 | 14.40 | 800 | 6.40 | |
1700 | 13.60 | 700 | 5.60 | |
1600 | 12.80 | 600 | 4.80 | |
1500 | 12.00 | 500 | 4.00 | |
1400 | 11.20 | 400 | 3. 20 | |
1300 | 10.40 | 300 | 2.400 | |
1200 | 9.60 | 200 | 1.60 | |
1100 | 8.80 | 100 | 0.80 |
* For a booster application, use half the above quantities
A Remark: The Pooster Application:
If you notice non-disappearance of odors and bad smells after three weeks, study and look for the causes carefully and check:
1. Water leakages in the barns:. There may be some leakage of water from somewhere. Check the drinkers, taps, water pipes or water rains may enter from the windows or from somewhere. Bear in mind that the water is the first enemy. If you find a wet area in the bedding, dry it and replace with sprayed with NOP beddings.
2. Make sure that the workers do
not upside down the bedding. The bedding
should be kept as is during the whole period. Otherwise apply a new spray.
If nothing was found, then it is recommended to apply a booster application. in the following way. The odors may be also due to old accumulations.
3. If the ground is not concrete or contaminated with ammonia, apply a sprayon the ground before placing the bedding and another spray on the bedding. Ie we have to apply Two sprays.
In this case,
it is recommended to apply a new spray using half the
previous quantity of NOP only. For instance, apply
one liter of No-Odor Poultry to spray 250 square meters, two liters to spray 500 square meters, and so on.
For Turkeys:
1. Run the usual disinfecting and
clean up and spread clean beddings.
2. Put in the sprayer with a very fine nozzle one liter for each 125 square
meters as usual.
3. In the middle of the breeding cycle. repeat the same spraying procedure
moving the birds
as you spray the floor.
The best
policy to spray again every 5th week, even if its only 13 or
14 weeks. The last weeks the turkeys produce considerably
more manure. When the birds
are present the best method for spraying is to have someone
walk a few meters in from of
the spraying person to move the birds away from the area
being sprayed. This is important
because we spray so little that we do not want to waste any
of the liquid that would be sprayed.
We need all of it to go into the bedding, straw. It is most
important to cover the entire
bedding area of any shed that is treated. Further, if there
is no floor under the straw, many
times it is just earth,
you must in this case spray the earth before they put in the new staw.
The ground has absorbed
many years of pollution and it will affecty the results what ever
you will do, as one spray will not eliminate all this
pollution but minimize the effect for some
Ideally, to show how well NOP works, you should always start in a cleaned
out shed
without any old beddings/manure and if it is without a
concrete floor spray
a new NOP application is required if you wish to stop the ammonia pollution.
For Geese and Ducks:
1. Repeat the same procedure as
above, after 42 days respray a protional amount for the
remaining growth days,
2. Use One Liter of "No-Odor
poultry" per 125 square meters up to 42 days, followed by
25 X days for the remaining period.
Geese and ducks need more care as they are usually kept in a wet environment.
For Rabbits:
You can take a small hand operated spray
bottle, the same as in use in home, fill it with
No-Odor Poultry and then it can be sparingly sprayed on the floor of the rabbit
boxes. For
your own experiment you can take one the cleanouts of a cage and spread it
over a similar
size area, or in a cage before cleaning and the rabbits have been
moved temporarily elsewhere.
You spray it with No-Odor Poultry by lightly wetting the entire surface and see
how it works
well enough with the first wetting. The results will be surprising for the
observers. The strong
odors vanishes and the atmosphere will be much better.
can we use NOP with
Please note that for turkeys
the litter has to be sprayed every 5th. week.
That is 3 times with 50% more for each application. With this manner
of application the
General Observations
No overturning (up side down) by your workers of the bedding at all.
Leave the bedding
as they are without
moving. Stop the bad habit
turning the bedding upside down. This habit should
be stopped immediately after spraying No-Odor Poultry. This
Check daily no water leakage. If
you find a part or a square
meter of
Keep always some NOP on the farm for this purpose ..
At the beginning of the Fourth
week, (and here starts the bad ammonia
Please remember that if there is no concrete floor only ground then the ground must be sprayed once and then again over the fresh bedding when you first start treating a shed. You understand that the ground is completely polluted with ammonia from years of use and it is constantly giving off ammonia and smells. The second time this is not required. On straw it is more difficult because straw is not as absorbent as wood and unless it is also split not just cut there will be more moisture that can produce ammonia.
In order to constantly get good results you should always start with a completely cleaned out shed for the first application of NOP. On concrete cleaned floors we only spray the fresh bedding on earth floors we always first spray the ground and then the fresh bedding. Never try to start when the old untreated litter has been left on the ground. This spent old litter is full of ammonia, much more than any treated layer would have and will reduce the effectiveness of NOP as it must now take away almost 4 times as much ammonia! Please make sure that the entire surface of the shed is sprayed.
The straw should be 3 to 3.5 cm of wood shavings or saw dust are used. In Winter it could be up to 4.5 to 5 cm in the colder parts of the country. Wood shavings are the best material if available and cheap.
Slash Group
334 King Fiasal
Poultry Trial Questionnaire
The following is the minimum required information to be entered in our records and to assure the right amount of NO-Odor Poultry to be sprayed on a particular farm. This is a free demo of the product and results must be shared with the Distributor.
1. What is the exact
size of the sheds that will be used? …………………………………………………………
How many sheds to be treated? …………………………………………………………
Preferred starting date with a completely cleaned out shed? …………………………………………………
Always use a shed that
has identical control shed on the same farm*.
Identical in size, chicken sex, type, density, growth period and feed,
conditions such as geographic orientation and raising conditions and final
2. What is the number
of chickens per square meter? ……………
Poultry type? …………………………
3. Final
expected weight? …………………………………………………………………..…………………………
4. Bedding type used and weight per square meter and/or spread height? …………………..…
5. Feed: % content of rendered fish? ……… Rendered poultry? Poultry fat? Bone?
6. Average duration of
growth cycle?
7. Average feed
conversion factor. …………………………………………………………………………………….……
8. Projected starting
9. How many sheds are
to be treated?
10. Do you have computerized and or automated controls? ……………………………………………………
11. Additional information if there are variations in size and weight or other factors for different sheds to be treated. ………..……………………………………………………
12. Name of
farmer, Farm address and
13 Treated shed/s number(s)? ………………………………………………………………………………………………
Control shed/s number(s)?…………………………………………………………………………………………………
Total number of sheds on farm? ……………………………………………………………………………………………
Signature: ……………………………… Date: ……….. / …… /2002